Friday, January 21, 2011

Seminar Using Technology in Education

Hello, my name is Valeria Palladino and I am an instructor at NorQuest College located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 

I was invited by the Alberta Government's Ministries of Advanced Education and Technology and Alberta Education to lead a seminar in Using Technology in Education, with a focus on ESL and language teaching. I created this handout and a blog to serve as a resource to share practical tips about second and foreign language learning and technology.

I wish to acknowledge NorQuest College for their vision in language teaching as a post-secondary institution and for their supporting my participation in this series of Seminars hosted by the Alberta government. If you are interested in learning more about the college where I work take a look here:

Alberta provides many opportunities for students to pursue studies at the primary, secondary and post-secondary levels, and also for teachers looking to pursue  professional development experiences. For information on studying in Alberta: